We’re here to make your workstation comfortable wherever you are.

How we can help


Is your home workstation setup right?

  • Are you experiencing discomfort?

  • Has your workstation being ergonomically assessed?

  • Worklife Ergonomics have Physiotherapist who carry out DSE assessment to help you and your entire team remain comfortable wherever you work.

  • We provide a confidential Comfort First Aid Hotline to seek advice on what to do if you do experience discomfort which you believe could be relevant to your workstation set up, at home or the office.

  • We provide online webinars led by our expert practitioners on various elements of health and wellbeing.

Do you drive as part of your job?

  • Are you experiencing discomfort with driving?

  • Do you know what an ergonomic driving position looks like and how make the adjustments?

  • WorkLife Ergonomics have Specialist Physiotherapists who can assess your driving position and the work activities that happen in your vehicle, with the aim to improve set-up and minimise discomfort.

Are you a new or expectant mother?

  • Hormone levels will change that can impact on comfort during and after pregnancy, and with breastfeeding.

  • The circulatory system can be affected during pregnancy leading to more fluid be retained by the body and swelling. This can cause compression on nerves which can give symptoms of pain, tingling and numbness most commonly in the hands, know as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Sleep deprivation during and after pregnancy can affect stress, productivity and underlying comfort issues.

  • WorkLife Ergonomic’s Women’s health Physiotherapist will provided a detailed risk assessment of your workstation and offer advice and tips on how to minimise comfort issues, guidance on physical activity and exercise along with fatigue management advice.

Contact Us:


Make remote working work for you.

Put us in contact with your HR / Talent team and we’ll get straight onto it.