Comfort issues in the workplace

One in five people see their GP with a musculoskeletal disorder so things like back pain, neck pain, shoulder and wrist issues, and Physiotherapists are experts in managing these problems. I've been a Physio for over 20 years and I've seen the impact that pain can have on people's enjoyment of life and their productivity at work, which is why I setup WLE because I care about preventing health issues.  

WLE provides the whole package for businesses to help minimise comfort problems and prevent them escalating to long term pain and time off work. Last year, 28% of people having time off work were due to musculoskeletal disorders, with back pain being the most commonly reported. A staggering 80% of people will experience an episode of back pain during their lives, and for some this will result in sick leave, on average 4 sick days are taken due to 1 episode of back pain, this can quickly add up to thousands of pounds for a company. As an employer you want to get the right message and support to your team to prevent comfort issues escalating, as well as ensuring they are well setup and comfortable whether they work from home, an office or a vehicle and that's where we come in.  We believe that comfort management is not a one off activity, it is ongoing and it’s best not to wait until your staff have problems. The businesses that we work with have seen WLE become part of the furniture, team members know they can contact us for confidential advice if they start experiencing comfort issues, or if they have recently moved home or office and need help setting up a comfortable workstation; and it’s fact early intervention prevents long term pain. We regularly nudge and remind the team on how to engage in healthy work behaviours.

We are often seen as one of the wellbeing services but we also tick that health and safety box by providing workstation risk assessments, or what you may know as DSE assessments. Now you can download a DSE self assessment form for free and there are other companies that offer workstation assessments, so what makes us different? Self assessment forms don’t prevent comfort issues, most people see it as a tick box exercise and complete it as quickly as possible. Unlike many companies offering workstation assessments, we don’t benefit financially from the equipment we recommend; this doesn’t feel ethical to us. We can offer self assessment surveys but these are interactive with videos and provide education on how and why to set up a comfortable workstation, along with helpful tips on other factors that minimise discomfort such as regular movement snacks and breaks. Our surveys will flag anyone with setup or comfort issues so we can get them help early.

Emma Carter summarises what WLE has meant to Pod Point:

“It’s been an absolute pleasure working with Jo and WLE. As the People Operations Manager, my priority is ensuring the happiness and wellbeing or all employees, and being able to rely on Jo and the team at WLE has been fantastic and a weight off my shoulders.”

If you would like to know more or have any questions we’d love to hear from you so call us on 01206 591022 or email


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2020/21 working mums-to-be